Media Literacy

Media Literacy

The National Association for Media Literacy Education describes media literacy in this way: “Within North America, media literacy is seen to consist of a series of communication competencies, including the ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, and COMMUNICATE information in a … Continue reading

Dark Horse – Katy Perry

This is a music video for Katy Perry’s newest hit, Dark Horse. It currently has 114,116,471 views on YouTube. It has been on YouTube for just less than one month, it was posted on February 20, 2014. This is a very interesting video which is why it has gotten so many views, and also because it is a very popular and catchy song. This song is currently ranked #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and on iTunes. Even though it is #2, the music video still has more views than the song Happy which is currently #1. However, since Happy is a much newer song I think there is a very high chance that it will reach more views than Dark Horse will on YouTube.

For Class: Transmedia Story Telling

For Class: Transmedia Story Telling

Transmedia story telling is a way of telling a story but different parts are told in a different way of media: an image, a book, a game, a video, magazine, etc… Because the story is scattered like pieces of a puzzle this causes the audience to become more involved and interested but they have to pay attention to all the different aspects in order to understand the story that is being told.


Here are three reasons that Dr. Pamela Rutledge explains why to use transmedia story telling for branding, marketing or other campaigns:

1. Persuasion: Transmedia stories are the most fundamental and immersive form of communication, engaging our brains at the intuitive, sensory and executive levels
2. Audience Connection: Transmedia strategies create many points of entry that reach and link multiple demographics and target different user needs to effectively expand the customer base
3. Financial Impact: Transmedia storytelling redefines ROI, extends brand shelf-life, and can create value-added IP assets and ancillary revenue streams.

For Class: analysis of comments on online newspaper

For Class: analysis of comments on online newspaper

An online news website (The Guardian) recently posted information on how the news outbreak that the movie “Annie”  was being remade with an African American actress playing Annie caused many negative comments to be posted on Twitter. Because these comments were coming from personal Twitter accounts, people were not afraid to be rude, hurtful and essentially racist about this news. Two of the tweets said, “Not to be racist, but since when is Annie black?!” and “I’m not racist or anything … But this new Annie movie is all mixed up!!! Annie is WHITE!!!!!!” This online news source found it important to address this topic and take back to the people who made absurd comments about the race of Annie. This was a very interesting topic for this analysis of comments from online newspapers and they did the right thing in addressing these tweets.

For Class: How Technology Changes Our Relationships

For Class: limits of expression on the internet

What better way to optimize my blogging abilities than by posting a link to yet a different blog that is discussing the topic of communication via technology. The specific limits on the internet that I am focusing on here are the limits of expression that occur and change personal relationships. This article stresses the point that we crave the power to be connected, not necessarily with what or who we are connecting with. From a personal standpoint I think that technology and the internet significantly limit the expression that is being given between two people. It changes the way people talk to each other and often even the topic that they talk about. I am still unsure if the limits the internet creates are for better or for worse. I think that we have had a great shift in the way of which people are expressing themselves over the internet. Relationships are very different today than they were a hundred years ago when connectivity was not as important and people were focused on the actual people that were nearest to them in geographical terms. Is being connected really a relationship? This is the million dollar question that is being posed today.



One of the coolest things I have ever done is tutoring English to a young Spanish girl named Florencia. We study English together twice a week and for an hour. The specific words that I remember helping her learn to … Continue reading