For Class: Transmedia Story Telling

For Class: Transmedia Story Telling

Transmedia story telling is a way of telling a story but different parts are told in a different way of media: an image, a book, a game, a video, magazine, etc… Because the story is scattered like pieces of a puzzle this causes the audience to become more involved and interested but they have to pay attention to all the different aspects in order to understand the story that is being told.


Here are three reasons that Dr. Pamela Rutledge explains why to use transmedia story telling for branding, marketing or other campaigns:

1. Persuasion: Transmedia stories are the most fundamental and immersive form of communication, engaging our brains at the intuitive, sensory and executive levels
2. Audience Connection: Transmedia strategies create many points of entry that reach and link multiple demographics and target different user needs to effectively expand the customer base
3. Financial Impact: Transmedia storytelling redefines ROI, extends brand shelf-life, and can create value-added IP assets and ancillary revenue streams.